Dvdfab forum jurassic world
Dvdfab forum jurassic world

dvdfab forum jurassic world

Tell it where log and temp folders are nope, won't use your settings. Tell it not to use cloud - it uses it anyway. One major bug: DVDFab v12.0.3.x doesn't save your settings. And to spend more money on additional licenses to I could test on a different machine without violating the license agreement.įound over a dozen bugs in the first 30 minutes of testing. The attached data contains the server certificate.

dvdfab forum jurassic world

The certificate received from the remote server has not validated correctly. That production shows that if you have the time and budget, post conversion will actually create better results because the director (and entire production) can work exactly like they usually do, will zero of the stereo camera limitations (of which there are many!!), and then the conversion team can just focus on the conversion afterwards.This is not a DVDFab discussion forum but having had the rug pulled out from under me for v11 with the certificate having been invalidated per this event in event log And that was a post conversion - it just happened to be done by people who understand how to produce good stereo content. On the other end of the spectrum, we have one of the best stereo productions ever: Jurassic Park. And if the director doesn't care much about stereo, then zero considerations will be taken. Sadly, many of these noobs have been consultants for many big stereo productions. If you're gonna stick to human IPD, you should basically be filming the entire film with only camera movement and placement that a human would be able to do with their own head (i.e.

dvdfab forum jurassic world

However, many movies will have shots that do stuff that humans can't follow, so there's no reason to limit oneself to human IPD in those shots. For example, human IPD is too low to get much depth info at great distances. Many stereo production noobs mistakingly think that everything should be filmed with human IPD (because humans are gonna watch it, right?), but that doesn't really work for film. Plenty of content is produced with shitty stereo (I blame those movies for stereoscopic TVs not taking off). Any film thats filmed in 3D or an animated movie in 3D will have better 3D effects than a post-conversion.Įhh, this isn't necessarily true at all.

Dvdfab forum jurassic world