Eu4 cream api 1.27
Eu4 cream api 1.27

eu4 cream api 1.27

Some games (such as Citites: Skylines) were loading 2 EOS SDK DLLs, which was confusing ScreamAPI, causing it to look for original DLL in the wrong directory.Now EOS Logging can be configured separately from the main logging, and it is disabled by default. This was because ScreamAPI was intercepting EOS Logging calls. Some games (such as Hunter: CotW) had issues with logging enabled.(If you can't see the hook emoji, then it's time to update your emoji font). The classical mode is now called Proxy mode, and is still working as usual.

eu4 cream api 1.27

This makes installation persist game updates, and bypasses DLL integrity checks in some games. 🪝 Hook mode! Now ScreamAPI can be injected into the game process and it will patch EOS SDK functions in-memory, thus avoiding any file modifications on disk.

Eu4 cream api 1.27